Avocado Smoothie Bowl

by - Saturday, September 05, 2015

If you're on a mission to get fit, get healthy and make some lifestyle changes, then I couldn't be more excited for you! I want to encourage you to keep it up, because hard work (and it IS hard work) really does pay off! So hang in there and keep going. And just because it's the weekend, doesn't mean that what you eat doesn't matter! But healthy food doesn't have to be boring, it can be a whole lot of fun.

Have you made a Smoothie Bowl recently? I do love a good Smoothie Bowl! If you know me at all, you'll know that I like pretty much anything that's creative! So the thing I like best about Smoothie Bowls is the way you can decorate them. Who ever came up with the rule that you shouldn't play with your food? Pfft. That's half the fun!

Green Smoothies are a great way to quickly give your body a whole load of amazing foods. They make you feel great, and they do you and your body a world of good! A whole lot better for you than having sugar filled cereals and processed milk, that's for sure! If you haven't really gotten into healthy Smoothies before, I really encourage you to give it a go! You'll be amazed at how many veggies you can get down, whilst having it taste delicious AND all before 9am! Which pretty much makes us superheroes. Smoothies are also super handy when you're running out the door, because they are so quick and easy to blend up! But when I'm not in a rush, and I'm just having my morning smoothie at home, I sometimes like to do a little decorating and make it pretty. Who doesn't like to eat pretty food?!

Today Green Smoothie Bowl was delicious!


1 cup of Greek Yogurt
1 cup of Baby Spinach
1/4 an Avocado
1 Frozen Banana
1 cup of Water
1 squeeze of Honey

Pepita Seeds
Chia Seeds
Organic Coconut

- A M Y  D A V I S

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