sweet gentlemen.

by - Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A few days ago, I was fabric shopping for a customers quilt.
I pulled piles of fabric off shelves, dug under hidden rolls of gorgeous patterns, climbed up a tower of thread and slid down a giant bobbin. I fought off an angry dragon who was trying to steal my material, and then I swam through a sea of zippers and found myself laying in a puddle of sequins.

Or at least that's how I remember it. Sometimes fabric shopping pulls me into an entirely new and magical place. It's full of excitement and possibilities!

The reality is, I usually go in for one simple thing, but I end up getting lost in inspiration and find myself coming out with at least eleven items.

For example, I was at the checkout when I saw this adorable fabric. As soon as my eyes landed on it, I knew I had to have it. And what better way to welcome it into our home than to use it for a cushion cover and sit it on our new swinging egg chair! 
 I am so happy with how it looks! It matches perfectly. There is something so special about making particular items for your house. It gives it such a personal and homey touch. This cushion makes me smile every time I look over at it. 

If you'd like to give your own cushion cover a go, please do!! I just used the same method as I did with this one. There is no complicated sewing involved, and it took me no more than 20 minutes! So have fun and DIY your house up a little, you wont regret it! 

Happily Yours,

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  1. �� I love this cushion! And omg the chair is amazing x
