remembering dad.

by - Saturday, September 08, 2012

Although September has been great so far, it also marks some difficult anniversaries.
Joe and I got up at 5am on September 8th, rugged up and went to kings park. We watched the sunrise beyond the city and over the hills.. and I remembered my Dad and all that he was. The past year without him has been incredibly painful. I cried and I laughed remembering what an wonderful, loving father he was.
He told me that this would be difficult and that it would be an incredibly painful process. But he also told me that in time the pain would slowly fade. I am yet to see.
I miss him now and forever will.
Joe has been such wonderful support. He loves who I am, and recognises the input that my Dad has had in my life. I wish that he had had the chance to meet him. Because I would not be who I am today, if it wasn't for who he was.

Happily Yours,

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